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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and has not been sent for publication to another journal.
  • The file attached for submission is in the .doc, .docx, or .odt format (Open Document Text).
  • URLs for the references were informed when possible.
  • The text adopts the standards for style, formatting and bibliographical requirements laid out in the section "Guidelines for Authors".
  • Elements that may indicate the authorship of the article have been removed: authors' names and all information related to them, such as the institution they belong to, addresses, bibliographic citations, acknowledgements, references (i.e., self-citations) and other references that may allow identification of the authors.
  • The author responsible for the submission represents all the authors of the work and when the work is sent to the journal, guarantees that he/she has the permission of all the co-authors to do so. In the same way, he /she must provide an assurance that the article does not infringe authors´ rights and that there is no plagiarism in the work. The journal is not responsible for any opinions expressed.

Author Guidelines

All the articles are published with a  Creative Commons License Deed.  Attribution Non--Commercial 4.0 International. The authors keep the copyright of their works and must be contacted directly if there is any commercial interest in the use of their works. Publication in IENCI is not remunerated by any kind of payment to the authors.

The author responsible for the submission represents all the co-authors of the work and when sending the article to the journal, guarantees that he/she has the full permission of all the co-authors to do so. In the same way, he/she provides an assurance that the author does not infringe authors´rights and that there is no sign of plagiarism in the work. The journal is not responsible for any opinions that are expressed.

Articles of any kind of theoretical or methodological orientation are considered for assessment, provided that they address some aspect of the teaching/learning of the sciences and that there is an understanding that they are original and are not being submitted for publication in other journals. Works are appraised that are written in Portuguese, Spanish and English. We request the authors to pay special attention to the focus and scope of IENCI outlined in this link: focus and scope.

Submission of articles for publication in the IENCI must only be carried out on the page of the journal with the  Online Submissions Form. All correspondence related to submissions must also be conducted at this page of the journal.

There is no limit to the maximum number of pages for publication but if the editors or referees deem that the article is excessively long, they can request it to be shortened.

The submission of articles to IENCI must strictly adhere to the following conditions:

  • the article must be unpublished and not have been submitted to other journals;
  • articles are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish and English;
  • the article must include a title, abstract and at least five keywords in the original language. If written in Portuguese or Spanish, there should also be a translation into English of the title, Abstract and keywords. If it is written in English, it should include an English version of the title, Abstract and keywords.
  • The text of the article should be sent anonymously which means withholding the name of the authors and any information about them, such as the academic institution they belong to, addresses, bibliographical citations, acknowledgments references (i.e quotations from their own work) and other allusions that might reveal the identity of the authors. If the article is accepted for publication, a complete version of the work will be requested, together with all the information that has been withheld.


With regard to the formatting:

  1. It is recommended that the authors use the electronics template available in  IENCI_template1, which is configured in accordance with the following specifications;
  2. The originals must be in the .docx, .doc or .odt (Open Document Text) format and have:
  •  A4 size paper;
  •  2.0 cm margins (left, right, upper and lower);
  • set tabs: 1.5 cm from the left margin (indents);
  • in the whole text: spacing between the lines and 10 pt [points] after the paragraph;
  • alignment of the body of the text and footnotes: together with their justification;
  • source: Arial 10 pt  for the titles, body of the text, sub-titles and indented long quotations; Arial 8 pt  for the footnotes;
  • the footnotes are numbered in a continuous sequence in Arabic numerals;
  • short quotations in the body of the text must be written in italics and put in quotation marks . If the quotation already has a passage between quotation marks  in the original, replace them in the passage with simple inverted commas. The simple inverted commas must also be used to keep some of the markings which, in the original, passage appear in italics;
  • long quotations should be written in a new paragraph that is indented  4 cm from the left margin and without any additional indentation in the first line;
  • italicized forms must be written in italics or bold; underlined words are only permitted in Internet URL addresses;
  • non-textual features (tables, charts, graphs, figures, maps and  images)  must be:
    • inserted in the appropriate place in the text and it is not necessary to send them separately;

placed as near as possible to their citation in the text  in a way that ensures that the graphic elements and subtitle remain on the same page;

  • All the graphic elements which were not designed by the author himself/herself, whether adapted or borrowed from another work, must acknowedge the authorship in the respective subtitle .

For example: Figure 3 – Descriptive subtitle (adapted/taken from  Araujo & Veit, 2010, p.2). The complete reference must be listed in the “Bibliographical References” of the article;

  • In the case of the Tables and charts, they should be numbered at the top with Arabic numerals, followed by the central subtitle ;
  • In the case of the graphs, figures, maps and images, they are shown at the bottom with Arabic numerals, followed by the central subtitle;
  1. The references available in the website should contain the respective link to the   DOI, if  there is one, or to the URL;
  2. The citations in the bibliographical references must be made in an author-date style, with only the first letter of the surname of each author in capital letters  e.g.  (Campbell & Stanley, 1963, p. 176); If it forms a part of the body of the text, “Campbell and Stanley (1963)...”. Note that in the body of the text the ¨and¨ form is used and not  "&".
  3. At the end of the article, there must be a complete list of the bibliographical references cited throughout the text. All the references included in this list should be cited in the text; they must be listed in alphabetical order and comply with the standards of the   6th Edition of the APA Publication Manual, as set out in the model for  “Bibiographical References” section which follows;
  4. If the article is accepted, the complete version that will be sent, must show the title, the names of the author(s), institutional affiliation, summary in the original language and Abstract on the cover sheet, and must include all the other information that was withheld in the anonymous version. The display of the original features of the article and the corresponding formatting, must follow the model available in IENCI_template 2;

The editors do not recommend publications to have more than three authors. If this is the case, an explanation should be attached with a separate document that makes clear the contribution made by each of the authors of the work carried out.

Bibliographical References

A few examples are given here. The APA standards, together with several examples, can be found in this link.

Examples of citations in the text

An author: (Newton, 1700). In the body of the text : According to Newton (1700)...

Two to three authors: (Campbell & Stanley, 1963); (Araujo, Moreira & Veit, 2011). In the body of the text, do not use ¨&¨, but use  "and" instead: "According to  Campbell and Stanley (1963)…"

Three or more authors: in the body of the text, use “et al.” after the surname of the first author. Example: "Oliveira et al. (2010)…”; (Oliveira et al., 2011). All the authors of works abbreviated under “et al.” must have their names included in the complete list of references at the end of the article.

Citations of more than one work:

 If by the same author, they should be arranged with their years of publication in chronological order and separated by a comma:  

e.g. (Moreira, 2005, 2010)

If there are two publications in the same year and by the same author, a letter should be added  (beginning with  "a" and an alphabetical order:

e.g.(Moreira, 2014a, 2014b)

In the final list of references, the respective letters should also be attached to the years of the  publications.

 When there are different authors, the surnames of the authors should be arranged in alphabetical order, starting with the first author and separated by a comma:

e.g. (Moreira, 2014b; Vergnaud, 2015)


Examples of bibliographical references listed at the end

 Printed Journals

Greca, I. M., & Moreira, M. A. (2002). Mental, physical, and mathematical models in the teaching and learning of Physics. Science Education, 86(1), 106-121.

Electronic Journals

Mcdermott, L. C. (2000). Bridging the gap between teaching and learning: the role of physics education research in the preparation of teachers and majors. Investigações em Ensino de Ciências, 5(3), 157-170 Retrieved from de

Books in general

Feynman, R. (1967). The character of physical law. Cambridge: MIT Press.

For chapters of books

Campbell, D. T., & Stanley, J. C. (1963). Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for research on teaching. In N. L. Gage (Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching (pp. 171-246). Chicago: Rand McNally.

Works published in the minutes of the proceedings of  congresses, symposiums, etc.:

Costa, S. S. C., & Moreira, M. A. (2006). Atualização da pesquisa em resolução de problemas: informações relevantes para o ensino de Física [Upgrading research for problem-solving: key information on the teaching of Physics]. In  Atas do I Encontro Estadual de Ensino de Física – RS (p.153). Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

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