About scientific culture in education. bibliometric analysis according to WoS (2000-2022)
Scientific Culture in Education, Bibliometric Analysis, Intellectual production in scientific culture, Communication and dissemination of scienceAbstract
Scientific culture, given its epistemological nature, is a strategic topic in educational dynamics. However, there are no bibliometric studies that refer to it. The objective of the study was to characterize and analyze the bibliometric trends of scientific articles that address the relationship between scientific culture and education. The Web of Science database search with the descriptors "scientific culture" and "education" yielded a total of 100 articles (n=100), after screening and study of suitability of the documents, 87 articles were considered (n = 87). For visualization and analysis, descriptive statistics were used, supported by Excel 365, Biblioshine by Bibliométrix, and VOSviewer. The variables addressed were: annual production, WOS categories, journals and impact, authors, countries and keywords. The findings show that between 2017 and 2020 there has been the highest production of articles. The WOS category that most addresses the issue is Education Educational Research (9.08%). The main journal is English-speaking: Public Understanding of Science and in relation to the countries, Spain, Brazil and the United States are the ones with the highest production. The most relevant keywords are epistemology, education, science education, teacher training, learning. It is concluded that this intellectual production is interdisciplinary and is estimated to have been influenced by public policies. Likewise, the analysis reflects the interest on the subject in the educational field based on the socio-philosophical and epistemological nature of the main publications.References
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