Intuitive epistemology in university professors of natural and social sciences




Enseñanza-aprendizaje, Docentes universitarios, Epistemologías intuitivas, Cognición, Ciencias naturales-ciencias sociales


Educational research has pointed out the mediating role of professors' intuitive epistemologies in the teaching-learning processes of science. However, we find that research in this regard is scarce despite being essential to achieve changes in the teaching of natural and social sciences. The objective of this work is to examine the epistemological positions of teachers in the fields of science and philosophy to determine if the epistemological positions they hold vary depending on the domain of knowledge. To carry out this research, we used an instrument that consists of two parts: 1) items adapted from questionnaires in use about intuitive and self-developed epistemologies and 2) items from the Literature Epistemic Cognition Scale (LECS) questionnaire adapted to evaluate epistemic cognition in the context of philosophy. The data collected indicate that the participants in this research maintain a constant epistemological orientation in both the domain of science and philosophy.


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How to Cite

Monroy-Nasr, Z., & León-Sánchez, R. (2024). Intuitive epistemology in university professors of natural and social sciences. Investigations in Science Education, 29(2), 131–141.