The electron concept and the narrative of Alice in Quantumland: building meanings through iconicity of signs




Electron concept, Fantastic literature, Verbal Iconicity Theory


The Science-Literature relationship in Science Education has been pointing to the educational potential of fantastic literature, for instance, for learning abstract concepts. However, the role of fictional elements in the learning process and how they are incorporated into teaching situations has not been thoroughly explored. In this study, we conducted a workshop on the concept of the electron and Quantum Mechanics with students in a Chemistry teaching program to investigate how the narrative of Alice in the Quantumland could influence learning. By analyzing the data from discussions and questionnaires using the Theory of Verbal Iconicity (TIV), we identified the manipulation of iconicity levels by students as they related fictional elements to their understandings of the electron in a microscopic reality. Our findings indicate how the narrative of the book was significant in the students' (re)signification, represented by the manipulation of iconicity levels proposed by TIV.


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How to Cite

dos Santos Marinho, M., & Ratis Tenório da Silva, J. R. (2024). The electron concept and the narrative of Alice in Quantumland: building meanings through iconicity of signs. Investigations in Science Education, 29(1), 254–271.