On the trail of coltan: A scientific controversy for Chemistry Teaching in Brazil around smartphone’s innards
Smartphone, Coltan, Scholastic Digital Discourse in Chemistry, Scientific Controversy, Transmedia StorytellingAbstract
The use of smartphones as a didactic-pedagogical resource for teaching is becoming increasingly present at different educational levels. However, there is little discussion in schools about this technological device itself. This article presents results from a research that, taking ideas of the Discourse Analysis proposed by Pêcheux as theoretical and methodological support, aims to understand how a group of pre-service chemistry teachers, participants in the implementation of a teaching unit structured in the form of scientific controversy around coltan developed with the mediation of Transmedia Storytelling (TS) as a didactic resource, produce a Scholastic Digital Discourse in Chemistry (DDErQ by its acronym in Portuguese), analyzing the possible effects of this mediation on their pre-service teachers’ education. The teaching unit was implemented in its integrity virtually over six weeks with two groups of pre-service teachers’ education who were attending subjects that make up the curriculum of the Integrated Degree in Chemistry and Physics and the Degree in Chemistry courses at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP by its acronym in Portuguese). Information was collected through written questionnaires and audio and video recordings of the synchronous workshops, and the narratives built around the selected theme were made available by the participants through the different technological platforms. Based on this experience, the results reveal five relevant conditions for understanding the modes of production of DDErQ and, based on the participants' reflections, allow us to infer some indications of relationships between the conditions of discursive production, the teaching unit, and the mediation of TS as a didactic resource in their initial training processes. They also point to the need to mobilize new ways of reading about the technology and the digital in the classroom. Finally, the analysis supports the thesis that these elements represent potential subsidies in order to chart new paths that contribute to the reinterpretation and resignification of their future school practices in the context of chemistry teaching.References
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