Description of popular Science texts inserted in biology textbooks


  • Pedro Henrique Ribeiro de Souza Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca – CEFET/RJ Avenida Maracanã, 229 – Maracanã – Rio de Janeiro – RJ
  • Marcelo Borges Rocha Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca – CEFET/RJ Avenida Maracanã, 229 – Maracanã – Rio de Janeiro – RJ



Popularisation of Science, Textbooks, Biology Teaching


Popularisation of Science texts are used in Science Education for contextualizing the curriculumcontent and relating it to the daily lives of students. Textbooks insert popular science texts, mostly adapted, which can interfere in its original content. This work identified the popular science texts in nine teaching collections of high school Biology, approved by PNLD/2015. 398 texts were found, highlighting the collection of Favaretto. Most of them were adapted and were in Ecology, Zoology and Evolution chapters. The books used texts from various sources, but stand out newspapers and popular science magazines, such as Ciência Hoje, which indicates the choice of more accessible texts to the students language. It is important to analyze these texts and understand what changes were made in inserting them in textbooks.



How to Cite

de Souza, P. H. R., & Rocha, M. B. (2016). Description of popular Science texts inserted in biology textbooks. Investigations in Science Education, 20(2), 126–137.