The qualitative analysis in the resolution of Physics problems and its influence in the meaningful learning


  • Irene Lucero Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura- UNNE- Corrientes- Argentina
  • Sonia Concari
  • Roberto Pozzo Facultad de Ingreniería Química- UNL- Santa Fé- Argentina


meaningful learning, physics, qualitative problems


This is an educational research in the area of Physics teaching. It attends to didactic strategies that favor meaningful learning. The study, centered in problem solving as one of the favorite strategies, analyzes the efficiency of "qualitative problems" to favor meaningful learning, that is revealed through student’s academic performance in a partial test. In the context in which it was developed, a comparative study shows that the preferential use of qualitative problems contributes effectively to achieve meaningful learning of the involved contents. This fact may be stated as there were more students of the experimental group that approved the partial examination than those of the test group.



How to Cite

Lucero, I., Concari, S., & Pozzo, R. (2016). The qualitative analysis in the resolution of Physics problems and its influence in the meaningful learning. Investigations in Science Education, 11(1), 85–96. Retrieved from