Physics Spectroscopy, Physics Teaching, Cognitive Networks Mediation Theory, Mediation Level ProfileResumo
This study investigates the mental imagery formed by two Physics undergraduates following their interaction with a mobile application analyzing emission and absorption light spectra. The tool, an instance of extracerebral cognitive processing, served to illuminate the internal cognitive mechanisms the students employed to understand novel knowledge. Guided by the Cognitive Networks Mediation Theory (CNMT), which underscores the significance of external tools in facilitating cognition, and drawing upon Bachelard's Epistemological Profile and Mortimer's Conceptual Profile, a novel 'Mediation Level' Profile is proposed. This profile represents the preferred type of mediation each student employed to elucidate their observations and understandings. The research utilized the Report Aloud Protocol to analyze students' verbal and gestural communications, revealing a complex pattern of various mental images developed through interaction with external objects via different levels of mediation. Notably, the psychophysical and hypercultural mediation levels stood out among the students. The implications of these findings for Physics education and future research directions are discussed, underscoring the utility of mobile applications as a supplementary tool in laboratory settings and the complexity of mental imagery in understanding physical phenomena.Referências
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