The use of concept maps as an indicator of significant learning in Calculus


  • Naíma Soltau Ferrão Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC/SP Rua Marquês de Paranaguá, 111 – Prédio 1 – 2º andar – Consolação CEP 01303-050, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
  • Ana Lúcia Manrique Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC/SP Rua Marquês de Paranaguá, 111 – Prédio 1 – 2º andar – Consolação CEP 01303-050, São Paulo, SP, Brasil


mathematics education, higher education, differential and integral calculus, digital conceptual maps, meaningful learning.


This paper contains reflections and results of a research that aimed to apply and analyze the use of concept maps in Higher Education as an indicator of significant learning concerning derivative as mathematical object with students that finished Differential and Integral Calculus. This is a qualitative approach, situated in the area of mathematics education, based on Ausubel's Theory of Meaningful Learning and on technique of Novak's Concept Mapping. As data acquisition instruments, use of classroom observations, questionnaire, brainstorming and digital conceptual mapping, made by an undergraduate physics course. To analyze we defined four aspects to be observed in the maps constructed by students: (i) validity of propositions formed with concepts, (ii) hierarchization, (iii) cross-links between the propositions, and (vi) the presence of applications. The identification of these elements, taken as reference to analyze the maps, allowed the collection of information about how each student has structured and correlated the set of concepts learned on the derivative of a function along their course. Based on the results, we have identified in the digital conceptual maps effective tools to evaluate the students in terms of meaningful learning about specific contents of Differential and Integral Calculus by the hierarchy of concepts, progressive differentiation and integrative reconciliation as defined in the Theory of Meaningful Learning.



How to Cite

Ferrão, N. S., & Manrique, A. L. (2016). The use of concept maps as an indicator of significant learning in Calculus. Investigations in Science Education, 19(1), 193–216. Retrieved from