Conceptions of high school students on the theme Biological Classification


  • Leandro de Oliveira Costa Centro de Ciências da Saúde - Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos - UNIFESO. Teresópolis, RJ. Estrada da Prata, s/n, Prata, CEP 25976-340. Programa de pós graduação em ensino de Biociências e Saúde. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC-FIOCRUZ). Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Avenida Brasil 4365 - Pavilhão 108 - Sala 31, Manguinhos, CEP 21040-36.
  • Ricardo Francisco Waizbort Programa de pós graduação em ensino de Biociências e Saúde. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC-FIOCRUZ). Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Avenida Brasil 4365 - Pavilhão 108 - Sala 31, Manguinhos, CEP 21040-36.


biological classification, evolution, homoplasy, homology, analogy.


The diversity of forms and behaviors by the biodiversity is found fascinating for the human mind since immemorial times generating hypotheses about the relationship between living organisms and extinct. Today a part of biology works from the standpoint of constructing phylogenies, which is based on assumptions of evolutionary relatedness, knowledge that is very important with regard to the teaching of biology. We intend in this work to know the evolutionary conceptions which high school students use to explain the origin of diversity and its current classification. Typological explanations are the most frequent, but a phylogenetic speech seems to appear at certain times, which opens the possibility of exploring it’s pedagogical aspects by teachers.



How to Cite

Costa, L. de O., & Waizbort, R. F. (2016). Conceptions of high school students on the theme Biological Classification. Investigations in Science Education, 18(3), 667–680. Retrieved from