Considerations on the teaching of evolution in the current context of taxonomic impediment




Ecological Crisis, Taxonomic gap, Tree thinking, Teaching Evolution, Evolutionary Synthesis


Phylogenetic Systematics is recognized as one of the main axes for the critical understanding of biodiversity. This science intends to order it in a rational way, aiming at understanding the processes that are responsible for generating the patterns that are presented by it. To this end, it treats biological evolution, that is, the recognition of descent with modification and its implications for the relationships of ancestry and descent between the different lineages of living beings, as its central paradigm. However, in Brazil, there are still problems related to inadequate and outdated teaching of Evolutionary Theory. Thus, in this work, the main epistemological obstacles related to learning about evolution will be presented, and how they emerged throughout the history of the natural sciences. In order to show how they relate to each other and how they contribute to the maintenance of the current problem called taxonomic impediment. Finally, the potential of stimulating phylogenetic thinking, that is, evolutionary, for the critical understanding of biodiversity will be exposed. Thus, we agree that combating current gaps in knowledge about biodiversity must be thought of at multiple levels of action and scientific investigation. One of them being the teaching of Science and Biology, we highlight the role of teachers to be an active voice in this process, with the potential arising from the development of innovative teaching approaches along with curriculum planning aimed at combating the vices responsible for fostering the existence of such gaps.


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How to Cite

Mendes, S. L. D. S. D., Rizzo, A. E., & Mayrinck, D. (2023). Considerations on the teaching of evolution in the current context of taxonomic impediment. Investigations in Science Education, 28(1), 78–96.