Analysis of probabilistic reasoning in future natural sciences teachers




Probabilistic reasoning, Science teacher training, Scientific reasoning styles


This article investigates the ways of reasoning of a group of students, future science teachers, of the degrees in physics, chemistry and biology of the National Pedagogical University of Colombia, by addressing three problematic situations whose analysis implies making use of basic concepts of probability, such as event independence and counting notions. It should be noted that this research is part of the development of the doctoral thesis of the first author. The analysis of the students' modes of reasoning expressed in their responses is carried out considering the probabilistic reasoning style as a theoretical framework, one of the six styles of scientific reasoning proposed in the philosophical approach of Ian Hacking. And, to establish the different modes of reasoning, the criteria of the phenomenographic methodology are used, which allows expressing these modes in the form of description categories that have current scientific knowledge as a reference. The results obtained allow us to show that many students make incipient probabilistic reasoning; biases such as the gambler's fallacy, the application of frequency probability to few data, and the prevalence of deterministic thinking are identified. These shortcomings constitute a limitation when approaching the study of scientific theories, such as quantum mechanics or the evolution of species, in which it is essential to carry out probabilistic reasoning to understand them.

Author Biographies

Néstor Méndez-Hincapié, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional / Profesor

Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnología Departamento de Física

Isabel Garzón-Barragán, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional / Profesora

Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnología Departamento de Física

Julio Alejandro Castro-Moreno, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional / Profesor

Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnología Departamento de Biología


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How to Cite

Méndez-Hincapié, N., Garzón-Barragán, I., & Castro-Moreno, J. A. (2022). Analysis of probabilistic reasoning in future natural sciences teachers. Investigations in Science Education, 27(3), 254–269.