Contributions and limitations of teaching sequences in the form of Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units: a systematic review of the literature
PMTU, RLS, Physics teaching, Construction of concepts, Continuing teacher trainingAbstract
Since the last decades, research has pointed out some challenges encountered in Physics Teaching, among which are decontextualized teaching, focusing on preparing students for tests, resulting in learning marked by the memorization of mathematical formulas and concepts. Seeking to minimize these challenges, research has been proposing alternative methodologies with the intention of helping the teacher during the teaching and learning process. Among the proposed methodologies, we highlight the teaching sequences in the format of Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units (PMTU), this didactic methodology is based on the principles of the theory of meaningful learning. Thus, the objective of this research is to identify the contributions and limitations of UEPS investigated in scientific works through a Systematic Literature Review. To achieve this objective, a search for publications was carried out through the Integrated Search Portal of the University of São Paulo (USP), using the keywords "Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units" and its terminology in English and Spanish, as well as the abbreviations "UEPS" and "PMTU". From an initial screening and skimming of the articles, inclusion, exclusion and quality criteria were created, with 12 articles being selected. From the results of the analysis, the articles were grouped into two categories: continuing education and construction of concepts, according to the purpose of applying the UEPS. Through the analysis, it was possible to identify the contributions and limitations of the UEPS presented in the articles, as well as to verify the existence of gaps present in the literature. For future work that intends to adopt a quantitative approach, it is suggested the formative evaluation of the participants throughout the research application. In addition to carrying out investigations seeking the initial or continued training of teachers. As well as research that investigates the construction of concepts in the final years of elementary school and in youth and adult education.References
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