Systematic literature review on emergency remote teaching in the area of biosciences during the covid-19 pandemic: perception of teachers and students, use of digital information and communication technologies, lessons learned, and challenges




Covid-19, Pandemic, Distance learning, Bioscience, DICTs


The Covid-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus has caused numerous changes in daily life, including implementing emergency remote teaching (ERT). To investigate how Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICTs) were used in the context of higher education in biosciences, where both theoretical knowledge and the development of practical skills are required, a systematic literature review was conducted for the period between March 2020 and March 2022. Forty-three studies were selected from the CAPES Periodical Portal databases, SCIELO, Scopus, and PubMed, most of which focused on analyzing undergraduate students’ health perception in the health area. The analysis identified several DICTs used for the adaptation of ERT, mainly the use of interactive learning platforms and meeting platforms. The main barriers reported were the lack of resources and methods, as well as problems related to mental and emotional support and the lack of infrastructure. The main positive aspects reported were the economy and flexibility of the interaction of the ERT, while the lack of planning and adequacy of the courses were indicated as negative aspects. This study indicates that the mixed teaching model, with face-to-face and online, synchronous, and asynchronous classes, can be evaluated as future perspectives for teaching biosciences.


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How to Cite

Conti Gomes de Souza, A., Mayara Erich, N., Silva Barata, M., & Melho de Aguiar, A. (2023). Systematic literature review on emergency remote teaching in the area of biosciences during the covid-19 pandemic: perception of teachers and students, use of digital information and communication technologies, lessons learned, and challenges. Investigations in Science Education, 28(2), 374–401.