Teaching conceptions about Biodiversity from the perspective of Phylogenetic Systematic
Biology Teaching, Cladistics, Curriculum, PhylogenyAbstract
Looking at Biodiversity from the perspective of Phylogenetic Systematics is to ensure that evolution assumes central status in the teaching of Science and Biology. This article aims to analyze teachers' conceptions about Biological Diversity from a cladistic perspective, in order to identify formation, mastery, application and articulation of this knowledge and practices. Based on qualitative and quantitative research, participants' conceptions are discussed, which were obtained through an open questionnaire and analysis of its contents into categories. The participation of 66 teachers was obtained who, based on their experience in the classroom, were divided into four groups, including beginners, experienced teachers and trainers. The analyzes indicate that 93.4% of the participants had initial training in phylogeny, especially in the zoology and botany components and with the use of cladograms. Participants consider the terms cladograms, synapomorphy, apomorphy, Biodiversity and homology, as essential for understanding phylogenetic relationships. However, they present mistakes and inaccuracies, both in definitions and in conceptual applications. Professors use arguments based on natural selection, adaptation, cladogenesis, anagenesis, speciation, genetic variability, coevolution, extinctions and kinship to justify and establish relationships between Evolution and Biodiversity. Mutation was not mentioned, in any of the groups, as one of the sources of genetic variability. Even in the face of difficulties, 74% claimed to use cladograms in their classes and that this resource facilitates the understanding and visualization of all variety of organisms, in addition to promoting 'tree thinking. They argue that Phylogenetic Systematics is a way to integrate the teaching of Biodiversity, but that it is necessary to invest in training, as the concepts are difficult to be taught, to the point of generating inhibition in participating in the questionnaire. Finally, a promising path can be, in addition to continuing education, the production of bibliographies, for basic education, with the theme.References
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