Learning Higher Education Chemistry using flipped classroom in a virtual teaching context





Educational innovation, Chemistry teaching, Higher education, Teaching methods, On-line teaching


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the flipped-classroom methodology in a virtual teaching context -prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic- in the instruction of Chemistry, as compared to the traditional approach. On the one hand, students following the flipped-classroom methodology (Bachelor’s Degree in Agri-environmental Engineering) were required to review materials prepared for this purpose prior to the sessions, devoting the class time to address queries and engage in exercises. On the other hand, students the traditional method (Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Engineering) attended on-line lectures and exercise sessions. The study assessed whether the implementation of the flipped-classroom methodology enhanced students' learning and their participation in the subject, investigating the influence of the methodologies on assessment grades and student appraisals.The findings indicated that the flipped-classroom approach reduced procrastination and increased student engagement in attending classes and completing activities. Nevertheless, a high rate of absenteeism was observed under virtual learning conditions, irrespective of the teaching method followed. Students expressed contentment with the flipped classroom activities, highlighting that it facilitated individualized learning and accommodated their learning pace. Negative feedback revolved around the lack of real-time interaction for query resolution in the asynchronous phase, as opposed to lecture-based classes where questions can be immediately addressed. While no discernible differences in grades between methodologies were observed, the flipped-classroom approach proved satisfactory, warranting its expanded use in subsequent courses following necessary improvements. Results show that the flipped-classroom reduced procrastination, increasing the number of students who followed the lessons and performed the corresponding activities. Nevertheless, high rates of absenteeism were observed independent of the teaching methodology, probably due to the online context. Although no substantial differences between the marks in each teaching methodology may be observed, using the flipped classroom has been satisfactory. Hence, we propose to widen its use in the future, after carrying out the corresponding improvements.


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How to Cite

Almendros, P., Montoya, M., Pablo-Lerchundi, I., Ruiz-Galende, P., & Revuelta, F. (2023). Learning Higher Education Chemistry using flipped classroom in a virtual teaching context. Investigations in Science Education, 28(3), 111–127. https://doi.org/10.22600/1518-8795.ienci2023v28n3p111