Indicators of scientific initiation in research carried out by basic education students
Science Teaching, , Gaucho Culture, Ethnomodeling, EthnomodelsAbstract
Mobilizing Basic Education students cognitively, affectively, and communicatively around activities that encourage them to produce work of a scientific nature is a pedagogical experience that can enhance their scientific initiation. Based on these assumptions and having the gaucho culture as a backdrop, the research reported in this article sought to answer the following problem: what are the contributions of a workshop with an emphasis on ethnomodels of gaucho culture for development of scientific initiation skills in Elementary School students? For this purpose, seven scientific initiation indicators were formulated based on a review of academic-scientific works that discuss education focused on research and authorial production. These seven indicators were used to analyze the data gathered during a workshop offered remotely to students and teachers in the final years of Elementary School, with the aim of instigating the development of investigative and authorial projects for presentation at Science Fairs. The data gathered in this research were analyzed using the Triangulation Theory. The results show the contribution of the Workshop as a driver of the students' scientific initiation, who elaborated works of an investigative nature on themes related to the gaucho culture. Teachers, in turn, reported having started to guide their students in carrying out projects for Science Fairs instead of just proposing them works in advance. The research and the realization of the Workshop confirm the importance of promoting the scientific initiation of Basic Education students, as it is through this initiation that they develop investigative, argumentative, and communicative skills.References
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