The missing piece: clitoris and its (sub)representation in science and education
History and Philosophy of Science, Biology Education, Science Education, Feminist Epistemology, Female Reproductive SystemAbstract
The clitoris is still a significantly underrepresented organ in today's society, especially in education. In light of this, the central objective of this work was to propose a didactic sequence that highlights the underrepresentation of the clitoris in science and education. To achieve this, historical and anatomophysiological aspects of the clitoris were systematized through bibliographic research in studies related to the organ. This allowed us to highlight aspects of the nature of science in this context and (re)contextualize aspects of clitoral anatomy and physiology for teaching. Furthermore, the analysis of textbooks and videos that claim to be educational materials made it evident that the (sub)representation of clitoral anatomophysiology and scientific knowledge is a prevalent issue. Based on these findings, we argue that discussing the anatomophysiological and historical aspects of the clitoris can be a means to address the nature of science in science and biology classes. Finally, we proposed a didactic sequence about the clitoris, aimed at Science and Biology teachers.References
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