Tutorial interaction, socio-cognitive position, and comprehension: privileged sophomore students in college science classes


  • Constanza Ruiz Danegger Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad Nacional de Tucumán


tutorial interaction, study self-contract, socio-cognitive position.


Students construct a socio-cognitive position in the classroom as a function of the study selfcontract made with the institution, of their dedication, and of their “basis”. From this position derives the possibility of establishing or not a tutorial interaction with the teacher, under conditions of strong teaching massification and homogenization. In this paper we report on two types of privileged students – the “best” and the “constant” ones – who share objectives regarding comprehension and learning but have different “bases”. We report their value judgments about the classes they had, and the relative importance assigned to the contents. The way the initial studey self-contracts are regonatiated, in order to adapt institutionally, is also reported.



How to Cite

Danegger, C. R. (2016). Tutorial interaction, socio-cognitive position, and comprehension: privileged sophomore students in college science classes. Investigations in Science Education, 5(1), 49–64. Retrieved from https://ienci.if.ufrgs.br/index.php/ienci/article/view/601