Teaching knowledge: a glimpse to a non-required dimension in the trajectories of teachers/researchers in Biological Sciences Academic Course


  • Elizeu Pinheiro da Cruz Universidade do Estado da Bahia – UNEB, Campus VI, Dpto. de Ciências Humanas Avenida Contorno s/n, Bairro São José, CEP 46400000, Caetité, BA - Brasil
  • Marco A. L. Barzano Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana – UEFS, Departamento de Educação BR 116, Km 03, Campus Universitário, Feira de Santana - BA CEP: 44031-460


Biological Sciences, University Teachers Formation. Autobiographical Narratives, Teaching Knowledge.


This paper is the result of a study about the life trajectories and formation of teachers/researchers of an Academic Biological Sciences Course. We focus on two autobiographic narratives to understand the elaboration/appropriation processes of the teaching knowledge in formation and work experiences in the narratives analyzed. Our interest is to understand the pedagogical formation (absent or present) in the lives of these teachers who had formative trajectories in four disciplinary areas of the Biological Sciences, and who act nowadays in the university teaching with Sciences and Biology teacher formation. We adopted the Autobiographical method to approach these trajectories that unfold in analytical categories which point to hints of how the formation and performance of the university teacher has happened. We analyze the documental corpus with the technique of analytical content and we present four established categories: (i) knowledge of the professional formation; (ii) disciplinary knowledge; (iii) curriculum knowledge; and (iv) experimental knowledge. It was identified the absence of teaching knowledge in the initial formation trajectory of two researchers and the need of this knowledge in university teaching practice.



How to Cite

da Cruz, E. P., & Barzano, M. A. L. (2016). Teaching knowledge: a glimpse to a non-required dimension in the trajectories of teachers/researchers in Biological Sciences Academic Course. Investigations in Science Education, 19(1), 117–139. Retrieved from https://ienci.if.ufrgs.br/index.php/ienci/article/view/99