The relationship with the knowledge and the chemistry teaching: theoretical fundamentals for analyzing the learning process in classroom activity


  • Welington Francisco Universidade Federal da Integração Latina-Americana



Knowledge, Relationship with knowledge, Learning, Investigative case


This work discusses the possibility to use of the relationship with knowledge notion of Bernard Charlot to identify elements that allows checking the Chemistry learning process of the undergraduate students. To this analysis we consider the seven elements transposition at the same time can conduce or block the conceptual appropriation: intellectual activity, mobilization, normativity, questioner teacher, network of meanings, relationship of knowledge and subject. Supporting in those elements we analyzed narratives made by fourteen students of the Environmental Chemistry course at Federal University of Tocantins – Campus of Gurupi with the activity proposal involving the investigative case resolution. The results point the relationship with knowledge notion configures as more an alternative to Science Teaching to analyze the learning process because allows evaluating all the steps of the individual development of each subject (the process) until the final product effectiveness. In addition, each step reveals to the teacher the points that will need more relationship of knowledge to intensify the mobilization of the subjects in activity and learning.


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How to Cite

Francisco, W. (2019). The relationship with the knowledge and the chemistry teaching: theoretical fundamentals for analyzing the learning process in classroom activity. Investigations in Science Education, 24(1), 01–21.