Is there a synchronism between the conceptual contents assessed in the ENEM’s chemistry items and those proposed in the curriculum of São Paulo State?
External Assessment, ENEM, Curriculum of São Paulo State, ChemistryAbstract
This article presents the results of a documental and empirical investigation to verify how the didactic material offered to students by the State of São Paulo Education Department is appropriated concerning the chemistry’s knowledge evaluated in the Exame Nacional do Ensino Medio (ENEM). Based on documental analysis we verified the correlation between the content evaluated in ENEM’s items and content presented in the didactic material offered by the São Paulo Government. From the point of view of contents related to the chemical content, it was verified that the material partially meets the requests of ENEM between 2009 and 2013. From the analysis of the ENEM microdata, it was possible to identify the score of accuracy obtained by the students of the state public schools of the State of São Paulo in the chemistry items analyzed. It has been observed that, in general, in all sub-areas of chemistry the average of score is relatively low, pointing out to a need for reflection towards the relevance of this exam to these students.References
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