Tree-dimensional modeling: reflections of future chemistry teachers for teaching and learning of enzyme-substrate interaction


  • Joyce Fernandes Almeida Universidade Federal de Alfenas
  • Keila Bossolani-Kiill Universidade Federal de Alfenas



chemical education, three-dimensional printing, learning strategies


The students’ participation in tree-dimensional modeling activities in Science Education has been a topic not yet explored in researches. In this context, the research aimed to present and discuss the reflections of future chemistry teachers’ about the three-dimensional modeling process as a strategy for teaching and learning the enzyme-substrate interaction. For this, fifteen students of the 7º period of graduating in Chemistry carried out a sequence of scientific modeling steps proposed in the literature and adapted for tree-dimensional modeling. The information was generated through of drawings, interviews, personal reports and research diary, followed by transcription and thematic analysis. The results show that students' participation in tree-dimensional modeling activities made it possible to: (i) evidence a significant learning on the enzyme-substrate interaction; and (ii) contributions to teacher training. This study was done in order to enable reflection on the implications of the use of 3D printed models design in their future teaching practices. The study notes suggest that the tree-dimensional modeling process presented can guide teachers and researchers in practical activities to build knowledge in the classroom, above all, they can contribute to the discussions about the students participation in modeling activities.

Author Biographies

Joyce Fernandes Almeida, Universidade Federal de Alfenas

Grupo de Pesquisa em Educação Química. Área Educação Química.

Keila Bossolani-Kiill, Universidade Federal de Alfenas

Instituto de Química. Área de pesquisa: Educação Química


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How to Cite

Almeida, J. F., & Bossolani-Kiill, K. (2019). Tree-dimensional modeling: reflections of future chemistry teachers for teaching and learning of enzyme-substrate interaction. Investigations in Science Education, 24(3), 282–304.