Cognitive Neurosciences in the study of the nervous system: a critical review through the basic education textbook
textbook, neurosciences, neuroconstructivism, nervous systemAbstract
This study analyzed how textbooks show the relationship between mind and brain in their approaches to the study of the nervous system and discuss on whether these books shows present information that promotes young students' access to current discussions, which are beyond common sense. For this purpose, natural sciences and biology textbooks distributed through the National Textbook and Educational Materials Program (PNLD) in 2017 and 2018 were selected, and the chapter, unit, or theme that addresses the nervous system was analyzed in each book. The occurrence of the theme presentation through a cephalocentric thesis was investigated, the use of reference models to explain the functioning of the nervous system and, finally, a text search for terms used in the field of cognitive neuroscience. At the end of the analysis it was possible to demonstrate that the focus in the researched books is given to purely biological questions, with emphasis on stimulus/response mechanisms and can encourage beliefs aimed at a mechanical functioning of the brain and the lack of understanding to the role of the mind in this process. In order to have the opportunity for the development of critical sense in this theme, it is pointed out the need to disconnect from common sense and the discourse that promotes the idealized, homogeneous, infallible, finalist neuroscientific field.References
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