The interactive experience of families at a science museum: A study at Museu de Ciência e Tecnologia in Porto Alegre




Families, Non-formal education space, Free choice learning


This study, with a qualitative approach and exploratory character, aimed to understand the experience of families in a science museum, highlighting the interactions and conversational content. Four groups of families with children participated in the study spontaneously visiting the Museum of Science and Technology (MCT) of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). The study counted on the audiovisual record of the families' relationships with their peers and with the exhibitions and, as an analysis instrument, a protocol was used that combines theoretical and empirical aspects of interactivity. The results indicate that, during the visits, the families talk about aspects of the exhibitions, contemplating or reading texts and participating fully in the proposed activities. However, conversations on science topics have been reduced. The analyzes suggest that parents, to a greater or lesser extent, played an important role in assisting and guiding children, for example, by providing instruction and interpretation support to understand the scientific knowledge exposed, participate in activities and encourage connections with previous experiences that contributed to conversations in which reflections of different natures and learning behaviors emerged.


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How to Cite

Massarani, L., Scalfi, G., Norberto-Rocha, J., Luz, R. V., & Marandino, M. (2021). The interactive experience of families at a science museum: A study at Museu de Ciência e Tecnologia in Porto Alegre. Investigations in Science Education, 26(1), 261–284.