Technological Knowledge on educational practice: resurgent reflections in Science and Biology teacher training


  • Pércia Paiva Barbosa Universidade de São Paulo



Technological knowledge, Zoology teaching, Teacher training


For some decades, it is known that teacher training is necessary for the use of technologies in Science and Biology classes. Therefore, surveys could be allies for successful proposals of teacher training. We investigated 17 undergraduate students of a Biology course, developed by São Paulo University, during classes of an optative discipline focused on Zoology learning. As objectives, we intended to identify: i) evidence of technological knowledge of the undergraduates; ii) if (and how) that discipline allowed the development of these kinds of knowledge. First, the undergraduate students answered a questionnaire focused on different types of technological knowledge (T-CoRe), as their dialogues were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed according to Bardin (2013). Then, we interviewed some of these students. We found an adequate understanding in these students about the pedagogical use of technologies. However, we also found gaps in some types of knowledge that are considered necessary for Scientific Literacy. These results are consistent with the training stage of the undergraduates that participated in this survey, but it is essential to include different types of knowledge (including technological) throughout the teacher's training.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, P. P. (2021). Technological Knowledge on educational practice: resurgent reflections in Science and Biology teacher training. Investigations in Science Education, 26(3), 259–280.