SOS: climate emergency in secondary school
climate change, climate literacy, scientific knowledge, social training, secondary educationAbstract
The growing severity of climate crisis requires the development of educational strategies adapted to the needs of students at different stages. The present study tries to contribute to the diagnosis of knowledge and involvement of secondary school students in climate matters and to know their evolution regarding primary education, previously evaluated. The results show that secondary school students are largely unaware of the scientific bases of climate change, its causes, and consequences. They show confusion with other climatic phenomena, and they pay less attention to local issues and especially to social implications of climate change. Little progresses are observed in relation to primary school students, maintaining a passive and uncommitted attitude towards this environmental problem. The results show the need to promote more decisively students’ scientific literacy in secondary school, which encompasses a greater scientific training to understand the physical bases of the problem and a social training, which allows the identification of the severity of the climate crisis in all its aspects, and which allows for developing critical and committed attitudes among students.References
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