Concept maps in Science Teaching: stagnant or growth?




Mapas conceituais, Aprendizagem significativa, Ensino, Construtivismo, Avaliação


The historical origins of concept maps are in Science Education. In 1972, Joseph Novak created this knowledge representation technique to identify conceptual changes in topics in Biology. After 50 years, concept maps are approaching maturity at a time of enormous social transformations caused by the Covid-19 pandemic that impact Education. The authors take advantage of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of concept maps to reflect on the stagnation or growth of research on concept maps, considering the specific production in Science Education. This paper aims to reflect on the current moment of research on concept maps from the analysis of academic literature and a historical perspective of the development and application of concept maps. The perspectives on the horizon suggest that growth is more likely than stagnation if two conditions are fulfilled by researchers and professors: (1) the expansion of theoretical perspectives that inform the use of concept maps and (2) the adoption of a new set of values that emphasize educational praxis as a process, avoiding the focus on the product that characterizes a final point in the learning process.


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How to Cite

Correia, P. R. M., & Aguiar, J. G. de. (2022). Concept maps in Science Teaching: stagnant or growth?. Investigations in Science Education, 27(3), 198–218.