The action mediated in the process of forming scientific concepts on photosynthesis and cell-breathing in Biology lessons


  • Patricia Silveira da Silva Trazzi Departamento de Teorias do Ensino e Práticas Educacionais da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Av. Fernando Ferrari 514, Goiabeiras, Vitória, ES, Brasil
  • Ivone Martins de Oliveira Departamento de Teorias do Ensino e Práticas Educacionais da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Av. Fernando Ferrari 514, Goiabeiras, Vitória, ES, Brasil



Mediation, Photosynthesis, Formation of concepts.


This research aims to analyze the pedagogical mediation carried out by a biology teacher alongside the High School freshmen students during the development of scientific concepts of photosynthesis and cell-breathing held at a state school in the city of Vitória/ES. It is a qualitative and collaborative research and has used as data production instruments the observation of the work developed in the classroom and in the Science lab activities, with field diary record and footage of the lessons. The analyses are based on the historical-cultural matrix. In the analysis of the action taken, it was possible to highlight that the formation/elaboration process of the photosynthesis and cell-breathing scientific concepts, in that Biology classroom, followed an intentional and organized mediated action that took into consideration the interaction agents (Teacher and students) and the use of cultural or mediational tools which led to the development of such concepts within a system, that is, inside a net of other concepts associated to them covering differentiated degrees of generality.


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How to Cite

Trazzi, P. S. da S., & Oliveira, I. M. de. (2016). The action mediated in the process of forming scientific concepts on photosynthesis and cell-breathing in Biology lessons. Investigations in Science Education, 21(2), 121–136.