Use of Historical Scientific Controversies in the Context of Physics Teaching. A Study of the Scientific Pragmadialectic Argumentation at School
Historical scientific controversies, Argumentation, Science education, DialogicityAbstract
The following document presents the results obtained by incorporating a physics teaching perspective through the analysis of historical scientific controversies and using an argumentative route designed in three levels of dialogicity based on Bakhtin's principles of dialogicity and the pragma-dialectical approach from van Eemeren. The objective of the research was to analyze how the phenomenon of school scientific argumentation occurs using this teaching route. To reach this purpose, two research cycles were carried out. The first cycle focused on the development of a didactic unit composed of 18 activities which were analyzed in seven case studies under a research approach framed in an interpretive and analytical constructivist paradigm and based on Grounded Theory techniques. Based on this analysis, a second didactic unit composed of 8 activities was proposed; through and from it, a second research cycle was carried out and it allowed refining the provisional theory proposed in the first cycle. The results showed relevant aspects linked to a core category associated with the phenomenon of pragma-dialectic scientific argumentation at school, through six subsidiary categories that defined and characterized it.References
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