Minerals in work by environments in transition courses: Evaluation of the level of integration from the sciences and perceptions of participating teachers





Working by environments, Minerals, Interdisciplinarity, educational transitions


Integration from science allows students to give meaning to the learning of certain topics from different points of view. This work, contextualized in multi-grade classrooms working in environments, evaluates the level of integration detected in an activity on minerals and the perception of the participating teachers on the strengths and difficulties observed in this integration. For this purpose, the application of the activity has been analyzed using a researcher's notebook, recordings made during the assemblies and the use of an open questionnaire in which the participating teachers were asked questions related to the strengths and difficulties detected. The results show a level of interdisciplinary integration that is perceived by most of the participating teachers. Regarding the declared strengths, the teachers detect that the learning acquired about minerals during the design process has contributed to increase to a certain extent their confidence in the subject matter. However, they detect as problematic to find connections with some disciplines, partly due to their perception of the knowledge on the subject. They consider external and peer support, as well as the presence of literature on the teaching of minerals, to be essential in order to develop the activity from an integrated approach. These results, collected in other contexts, are discussed, widening fronts on which to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of working by environments in the first educational stages in order to achieve integration.

Author Biography

María de Marco, Centro de Educación Infantil y Primaria Pirineos - Pyrénées

Centro de Educación Infantil y Primaria Pirineos - Pyrénées C/ Corona de Aragón, 2. 22005 Huesca (España)


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How to Cite

Sáez Bondía, M. J., Mateo González, E., de Marco, M., & Lucha López, P. (2023). Minerals in work by environments in transition courses: Evaluation of the level of integration from the sciences and perceptions of participating teachers. Investigations in Science Education, 28(3), 206–225. https://doi.org/10.22600/1518-8795.ienci2023v28n3p206

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