Semantics about the concept of heat in undergraduate textbooks: reflections on instructional adversities




lexical ambiguity, university textbooks, educational subsidies, teacher training


Some studies in the literature on science education have pointed to ambiguities related to the concept of heat in university textbooks. This situation is one of the reasons why this physical concept is one of the most difficult to teach and is sometimes underestimated. In view of this problem, a particular set of conceptual ambiguities is presented here by analyzing 20 physics textbooks used by teachers of undergraduate courses, with the aim of examining the different constructs provided by the authors in terms of the linguistic issues they deal with when situating the concept of heat, both in terms of definition and symbolism, and in terms of conceptual application. The content analysis of the sample of books studied allows us to conclude that the difficulties are partly conceptual, partly linguistic, and often both, which constitutes a persistent educational barrier. The books selected are recent editions of many works in Portuguese – most of them translated from other languages – in which certain comparisons have been made, including with some older editions by the same authors, in order to highlight exemplary changes related to the scientific concept under consideration. Finally, there is a relevant contribution to previous studies in this line of investigation of textbooks, related to the semantics of the contents present in them, through a significant extension of the particularities discussed about the concept of heat in view of the expressive collection of books studied, whose reflections should subsidize the teaching actions on the subject Physics II in the curriculum of various undergraduate courses.


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How to Cite

Moura da Silva, O. H. (2024). Semantics about the concept of heat in undergraduate textbooks: reflections on instructional adversities. Investigations in Science Education, 29(2), 498–514.