Historical problems and learning difficulties in the Newtonian interpretation of supposedly elementary electrostatic phynomena


  • C. Fúrio Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales Universidad de Valencia
  • J. Guisasola jenaro.guisasola@ehu.es
  • J.L. Zubimendi Departamento de Física Aplicada I Escuela Universitaria de Ingenieria Técnica Industrial Universidad del País Vasco


electrostatics, learning difficulties, historical problems.


This paper starts with a a brief historical review of electrostatics. Then, the use of this historical knowledge is proposed in order to analyse students’ difficulties in learning this theory. This is done using proofs and empirical designs, employed mainly in the historical evolution, which are known as “natural” phenomena or facts, and examining what explanations are given by the students to these facts. Research findings seem to suggest that most of students’ interpretations of electrostatics phenomena present ideas about the electrical nature of matter that differ from the Newtonian theory and remind us of pre-Newtonian explicative models.



How to Cite

Fúrio, C., Guisasola, J., & Zubimendi, J. (2016). Historical problems and learning difficulties in the Newtonian interpretation of supposedly elementary electrostatic phynomena. Investigations in Science Education, 3(3), 165–188. Retrieved from https://ienci.if.ufrgs.br/index.php/ienci/article/view/616