Meanings of Quality and Crisis of Scientific Education in Curricular Policies for Science Teaching
Science Teaching, Curriculum Policy, Discourse Theory, Post-StructuralismAbstract
In this text, we problematize the movement of hegemonization of the quality discourse of the scientific education and the crisis notion associated with it in a discursive approach. We focus on the demands claimed by epistemic communities of Science Teaching through the names Nature of Science, Quality and Crisis of scientific education, seeking to understand how the emptying of these signifiers participates in the dispute for the meaning of what is a relevant school experience in science. We argue that the demands are articulated around the attempt of definition of a essential identity for science education, antagonizing non-prescriptive curricular policies. We defend the ultimate impossibility of controlling the significance of curriculum, science teaching and social space, keeping science education opens to the risk and the irreducible otherness, dissociating it from universal educational foundations.References
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