Reflection, a Fundamental Part in Teaching Mediation for the Teaching of Sciences: A Specific Case of the Concept Matter
didactic, mediation, reflection, teaching, chemistryAbstract
With the purpose of favoring teaching processes in accordance with the needs of the students, so that useful learning for life is promoted, didactic mediation proposes the role of the teacher as mediator of learning, so that not only the construction is favored of scientific knowledge but also an emotional development of the person (Parada-Trujillo & Avendaño, 2013). Likewise, the approaches of Tébar (2009) are recognized, which states that it is not about the teacher moving from a traditional teaching model to a constructivist teaching model, but rather it is about recognizing the characteristics of the traditional model itself and of those that configure the didactic mediation approach, so that the teacher can differentiate them, and configure their teaching strategies as a result of a process of reflection of their own practice. Based on the foregoing, the question that guides this research is: ¿How do the reflexive processes based on didactic mediation favor the teaching-learning processes of the concept of matter from the implementation of a didactic sequence to 10th grade students? To solve the above, there was a population of two chemistry teachers in practice and a group of 30 students for each teacher between the ages of 15 and 17 in the 10th grade. These students belong to an educational establishment in Cali - Valle del Cauca of the official sector. The research presents a qualitative study. The data collection was carried out based on various instruments such as: inquiry questionnaire about theoretical-practical conceptions about teaching, learning and evaluation of science, observation of the development of classes from filmic records, grid of analysis of class, semi-structured interview, pre-test and conceptual post-test (which was implemented at the end of the didactic sequence application process). The conclusions obtained reaffirm the importance of generating reflective spaces during teaching practice so that it is aware of the successes and mistakes developed during their teaching process, generating pedagogical strategies that favor autonomous learning in students. It is very important the experience faced by teachers during their training process, because from the investigation it was found that the teacher belonging to the control sample has 28 years of experience while the teacher belonging to the sample Experimental presents 2 years of experience and which obtained better results. Hence, the importance of the experience, insofar as it is conceived from a reflexive approach that allows the reconstruction of its pedagogical work and the generation of teaching strategies in the classroom in search of generating diverse learning paths. In this way, experience from a reflexive field becomes possible paths or strategies to follow that will be established in the teacher's cognitive system and which can be used in the classroom.References
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