Actions that Contribute to Science Teaching Involving Argumenta and Reflections Manifested by Pre-Service Teachers in the Pedagogical Cycle




Argumentation, Initial teacher training, Pedagogical cycle


In this article, we discuss the actions favorable to teaching involving argumentation and reflections expressed by pre-service teachers when experiencing a pedagogical cycle (plan-teach-reflect) related to the teaching of chemistry involving argumentation. To do this, we used data from a planning text file, recordings of two classes conducted by the pre-service teachers, recordings of group meetings throughout the training process, two pre- and post-class questionnaires and an interview. The actions were identified from a set of 27 actions favorable to teaching involving argumentation and the analysis of the reflections occurred based on the identification of elements emphasized by the pre-service teachers. The analysis of the pedagogical cycle experienced by the pre-service teachers indicates that they mobilized theoretical-practical knowledge about argumentation, as they were able to develop classes that could engage students in argumentative processes. However, in the practical dimension, they faced difficulties in promoting argumentation, mainly among students, resulting in an emphasis on Support actions. As an implication, we highlight the limitations of, in the context of initial training, encouraging only the production of lesson plans involving argumentation, or even the analysis of plans as strategies to evaluate the knowledge related to argumentation of pre-service teachers, and the need to create opportunities so that pre-service teachers can plan and conduct real teaching situations, interacting with real students.

Author Biographies

Roberta Rochelle Souza André, UFMG

Departamento de Química Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Av. Presidente Antônio Carlos, nº 6627, Belo Horizonte – MG

Raquel Santos, UFMG

Departamento de Química Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Av. Presidente Antônio Carlos, nº 6627, Belo Horizonte – MG


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How to Cite

Rochelle Souza André, R., Santos, R., & Ibraim, S. de S. (2023). Actions that Contribute to Science Teaching Involving Argumenta and Reflections Manifested by Pre-Service Teachers in the Pedagogical Cycle. Investigations in Science Education, 28(3), 66–89.