Concept maps as evaluation tools of the integrative construction level of meanings in the biochemistry laboratory under a constructivist approach


  • Julia Flores Departamento de Biología y Química. Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Venezuela
  • María Concesa Caballero Departamento de Didácticas Específicas. Universidad de Burgos, España
  • Marco Antonio Moreira Instituto de Física. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil


Concept maps, Lab work, Constructivist teaching approach, Meaning construction.


This descriptive-comparative work was carried out with 13 students in the areas of Biology and Chemistry of the Pedagogical Institute of Caracas in a course of Biochemistry, who formed two lab groups. Its purpose was to compare the level of integrative construction of scientific meanings achieved in the concept maps developed in an integrated manner to the V diagram around a problem situation raised on enzymes, considering previous knowledge about this disciplinary content. Two statistics were used to compare the groups: student's t test for the pre-existing knowledge and Mann-Whitney U for concept maps. A General Index of Integrative Construction of meanings (IGCIS) proposed by the authors, was incorporated in a novel way to assess concept maps. The results revealed the discriminatory power of IGCIS, being able to differentiate the groups in a more consistent way and in accordance with their levels of prior knowledge.



How to Cite

Flores, J., Caballero, M. C., & Moreira, M. A. (2014). Concept maps as evaluation tools of the integrative construction level of meanings in the biochemistry laboratory under a constructivist approach. Investigations in Science Education, 19(3), 611–624. Retrieved from