Module with interactive didactic simulations for the conceptual understanding of a physical model in a laboratory work of physics at university
Conceptual Fields, Interactive Didactic Simulations, Laboratory Work, Physics ModelAbstract
This study seeks to mediate in the initial process of the development of a laboratory work of Physics (Phase I), directed to the conceptual analysis of the experimental problem. In the context of a traditional laboratory course, where there is only face-to-face space for the actual experimental work, the possibility of assisting in the integration of theoretical knowledge associated with the problem and its proposed solution was raised; for this purpose, we designed a Module with Didactic Interactive Simulations (MoDIS) that followed the Learning Model in the Laboratory Work in Physics (LMLWP). It was tested with a group of students from the Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB) who attended the Laboratory. Among the results, the students in the post-test succeeded in expressing more ideas close to those accepted by science than in the initial test, which allows us to consider that the interaction with the MoDIS contributed to the understanding of the physical model. In addition, the students valued the strategy favorably.References
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