School dropout and retention in the Degree Course in Chemistry at the Institute of Chemistry – UFRGS
Chemistry graduation, School Dropout, School Retention, Higher education.Abstract
In recent years the discussion on educational issues in the country have emphasized teacher training courses as a major factor that can positively impact on changes in education. It is known however, that in a course like chemistry, hardly undergraduates can complete their training within the period provided by the institution also eventually evading before the period. This paper aims to study the dropout and school retention of students of the night Degree course in Chemistry, at the UFRGS Institute of Chemistry, with admission to the 2009-2013 period, understanding the first as the final output of the student of his course of origin and the second as the suspension of regular student progression within the stages of academic training, usually associated with unsatisfactory academic (performance and/or frequency) or registration locking situation. Items such as methodology, teaching, reproof, curriculum, offering of limited schedules, acceptance by peers and teachers, and infrastructure are some of the items investigated as possible reasons contributing to dropout and retention of students. It might be noted that in some cases, a bad reception from colleagues, professors and University, associated with a lack of identity related to the course, lack of alternative methodological strategies, ineffective teaching by teachers and high rate of early failures are contributing factors for dropout and retention of students.References
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