The importance of tutoring in teaching natural sciences with special students


  • Analia Maria de Fátima Costa Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Ponta Grossa Av. Monteiro Lobato, s/n - Km 04
  • Siumara Aparecida de Lima Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Ponta Grossa Av. Monteiro Lobato, s/n - Km 04
  • Rita de Cássia da Luz Stadler Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Ponta Grossa Av. Monteiro Lobato, s/n - Km 04
  • Marcia Regina Carletto Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Ponta Grossa Av. Monteiro Lobato, s/n - Km 04



Teaching of Natural Sciences, Intellectual Disabilities, Inclusion, Teacher Tutor.


This article is part of a research developed in the master's PPGECT UTFPR - Campus Ponta Grossa. This cut includes the themes: inclusion; teaching natural sciences and the role of the teacher; students with intellectual disabilities and the mentoring process in mainstream education. For realization of this research, references from different authors on these issues were analyzed. The application and data collection were developed in a class of 5th grade of elementary school to a private school teaching Ponta Grossa / PR, there is among the students, one with intellectual disabilities. Also participating in the study students of the Teacher Training Course (CFD) of the school, the researcher teacher and four teachers. The pedagogical action developed with the gang was systematized in a notebook of educational activities with a focused instructional sequence for teaching Natural Sciences, organized in an interdisciplinary manner, with an emphasis on mediation of the tutor as an adjunct in the child's teaching and learning process disability, since the tutelage of relationship is seen as beneficial for both the one who helps, the tutor, the one who is helped, the tutored. Through the mentoring process can adjust the educational response to the particular needs of students, before curriculum and methodological adaptations. The survey results confirmed the need for the presence of a tutor for specialized educational services, mediating the process of teaching and student learning with special educational needs so that the inclusion really becomes effective.



How to Cite

Costa, A. M. de F., de Lima, S. A., Stadler, R. de C. da L., & Carletto, M. R. (2016). The importance of tutoring in teaching natural sciences with special students. Investigations in Science Education, 20(1), 127–141.