Difficulties and improvements in the conceptual field of didactic-scientific modeling: a case study in an experimental physics course
didactic-scientific modeling, Modeling Episodes, experimental activities, physics teachingAbstract
Many researchers argue that scientific models are mediators between theories and reality. They endorse that students need, somehow, to be involved in modeling-based activities to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and the real world. In this article, it is reported a research based on this approach. It is part of a set of studies that evaluate the difficulties and advances of physics’ undergraduate students in situations that demand the construction, use and validation of scientific models. It is employed the Modeling Episodes methodology to design and conduct experimental activities about mechanical oscillations, fluids, and thermodynamics. Grounded on the Didactic-Scientific Modeling framework, it supported the idea that a scientific modeling process in physics can be seen as a conceptual field underlying the domain of specific conceptual fields of this science. It was evaluated the influence of the Modeling Episodes conducted on: the attitudes of undergraduate physics majors toward laboratory class; their understanding about concepts related to the process of scientific modeling, mainly on specific concepts about experimental work; and their advancement and difficulties to face experimental situations related to the construction, application and validation of didactic-scientific models. The main results showed that Modeling Episodes helped the students to: i) develop positive attitudes towards experimental activities; ii) deal with situations that demand concepts and action schemes related to conceptual field of didactic-scientific modeling. However, the students struggled to finish the Modeling Episodes due the lack of predicative and operative knowledge. These results show that modeling activities must permeate the entire curriculum of physics courses for students to become experts to construct, explore and validate scientific models.References
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