Approaching isomerism in organic and inorganic compounds: activity based on the use of problem situations during initial chemistry teacher training


  • José Neto Euzébio Simões Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco - Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada Fazenda Saco, s/n, caixa postal 063, Serra Talhada - PE
  • Angela Fernandes Campos Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco - Departamento de Química Rua Dom Manoel de Medeiros, s/n, Dois Irmãos, Recife-PE
  • Cristiano Júnior de Almeida Cardoso Marcelino Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Campus Lagoa Seca, Natal-RN


Problem Situations, Isomerism, Chemistry Teacher Training.


This study sought investigate: i) the understanding of isomerism by future chemistry teachers during initial training; and ii) the construction of isomer concepts after an approach centered on problem situations (SP’s). Two problem situations related to isomerism (historical context and medicinal applications) were elaborated. A textual learning material developed for this purpose and concrete molecular models were used of system resources in the problem situation resolution process. Data were colleted using a questionnaire, field observation and semi-structured interview, and analyzed according to the ideas presented by Meirieu (1998). The two SP’s had obstacles, transposable to only a few of the nine groups that responded. Inadequate use of the isomer concept was observed in many of the responses considered scarcely satisfactory or unsatisfactory.



How to Cite

Simões, J. N. E., Campos, A. F., & Marcelino, C. J. de A. C. (2016). Approaching isomerism in organic and inorganic compounds: activity based on the use of problem situations during initial chemistry teacher training. Investigations in Science Education, 18(2), 327–346. Retrieved from