The Four-Phase Model of Interest Development applied to learning to teach


  • George Francisco Santiago Martin Colegiado de Matemática Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná Rua Padre Mello, 1200. CEP 86400-000. Jacarezinho, Paraná, Brasil
  • Sérgio de Mello Arruda Universidade Estadual de Londrina Rodovia Celso Garcia Cid (PR 445, Km 380), Campus Universitário. Museu de Ciência e Tecnologia de Londrina. CEP: 86057-970. Londrina, Paraná, Brasil
  • Marinez Meneghello Passos Universidade Estadual de Londrina Rodovia Celso Garcia Cid (PR 445, Km 380), Campus Universitário. Museu de Ciência e Tecnologia de Londrina. CEP: 86057-970. Londrina, Paraná, Brasil



The Four-Phase Model of Interest Development (MDI), Interest in teaching, Initial teaching training, Focuses of Teacher’s Learning (FAD).


This article presents a research about the development of interest in teaching. The subjects of study were students of a public University of Paraná, Brazil, who integrated the a project in initial training called PIBID in scientific areas (Biological Sciences, Physics and Chemistry). The methodological procedures were based on the discursive textual analysis, from which it was possible to organize the data according to the FourPhases Model of Interest Development (MDI) of Hidi and Renninger (2006). After analysis, it was possible to characterize the interest of these students in teaching, suggesting that this interest can be developed in students during initial training. Our data showed, moreover, that interest in teaching has two main characteristics: the desire to be a teacher and the curiosity of the students to know how is to be a teacher. In addition, it was found that the school teachers can directly influence the maintenance of student interest in following a teaching career.


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How to Cite

Martin, G. F. S., Arruda, S. de M., & Passos, M. M. (2016). The Four-Phase Model of Interest Development applied to learning to teach. Investigations in Science Education, 21(1), 46–61.

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