Solving of physical problems involving metacognitive strategies: analysis of didactic proposals
Ensino de Física, Estratégias metacognitivas, Formação inicial de professores, Resolução de problemasAbstract
Metacognition has received special attention in studies involving learning and, gradually, it has been taking up space in the educational context, especially by promoting the autonomy and enhance learning. Based on this identification and on the study of Rosa (2011), who showed the pertinence of its association with experimental activities in Physics, the present study is concerned with development and analyzing didactic proposals that allow the approximation of this construct with problem solving in Physics. The object of the study is to identify the possibilities of associating the metacognitive strategies with the solving of problems in Physics, Evaluating their didactic pertinence in the voice of future teachers. The analysis of the data collected allowed pointing the viability of the four structured educational proposals and it showed that future teachers have a concern about creating opportunities for the qualification of learning of their future students and, for this, they show themselves opened to discuss and analyze didactic alternatives. In addition, it has shown that the proposals can represent benefits to learning, especially in terms of contributing so that the students are more reflexive and autonomous in their learning. It also represented an opportunity to learn teaching strategies that could be used in future teaching actions.References
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