Science and Religion: A Mapping of Brazilian’s articles that address the relationship between these fields


  • Cintia Terezinha Barbosa Peixoto Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS
  • João Batista Siqueira Harres Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS



Religion, Science, Science Education


The study of the existing relations between Religion and Science Education can promote relations of cooperation, respect and acceptance among the different subjects that compose the school culture. Thus, this article presents an analysis of papers published in journals and in proceedings of events in Science Education or Education in the country regarding the relations between Science and Religion between the years 2000 and 2019. The aim was to identify in papers addressing these relationships, either by the argumentation of the authors themselves, or by investigating some indicators of the relationship between Science and Religion. The most relevant data found and the identification, when possible, of the perspective involved about these relations following the classification of Barbour (2004) are presented. The methodological approach for the collection and analysis of the papers is based on the ideas of Biembengut (2008). Regarding the results, it is noteworthy that more than half of the researches make a diagnosis of how students and/or teachers deal with this theme. The others are divided between those that presented teaching proposals and those that conducted bibliographic studies on the theme. The perspective of independence or dialogue was predominant among the analyzed works. One of the main recommendations of the research was that the approach to scientific knowledge should be done respecting the points of view coming from religion or from the student's culture. 


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How to Cite

Peixoto, C. T. B., & Harres, J. B. S. (2021). Science and Religion: A Mapping of Brazilian’s articles that address the relationship between these fields. Investigations in Science Education, 26(1), 169–187.