Wild and domesticated Moon: concept formation in different contexts based on the cultural-historical activity theory
Concept formation, Vygotsky, Moon phases, Activity Theory, Volition and consciousnessAbstract
This theoretical work discusses the relationships between concept formation and the activities that sustain it. In particular, we highlight the teaching-learning processes in everyday and school activities. Following the Vygotskian perspective, these two learning contexts are described by employing the categories of volition and conscious awareness of the subjects in the teaching-learning activity. Moreover, we advance this perspective by proposing another two categories - supervision and institutionalization - to make justice to the activity’s characteristics rather than the mental processes of the subjects who participate in them. The discussion is exemplified through episodes in which the concept of the Moon is elaborated in human activities (in the wild) and then as it appears in school activity (domestication). Finally, we relate such dichotomy between wild and domestication through the school encapsulation and analise a learning sequence that aims to enrich school practices by and articulation between everyday and school contexts.References
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