Model of Educational Reconstruction as a Theoretical and Methodological contribution to the Design of Environments of Science Teaching and Learning


  • Michelle Garcia da Silva Universidade Estadual da Paraíba
  • Helaine Sivini Ferreira Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco



Model of Educational Reconstruction, Intermediate framework, Design tools, Educational interventions, Science education


In this paper, the Model of Educational Reconstruction (MER) was presented as a theoretical and methodological framework for the design of science teaching and learning environments. For this, it was necessary to explain the role of great theories, intermediate framework and design tools in the design process of educational interventions. Based on this understanding, the theoretical deepening of the MER was made, which resulted in the clarification of its intermediate framework. Furthermore, the deepening of the methodological structure of the ERM allowed the clarification of the relationships between its three components: clarification and analysis of science content, investigation into students ‘perspectives and design and evaluation of teaching and learning environments. All these discussions contributed for the MRE to be defended in this work as a fruitful theoretical and methodological model to assist teachers and researchers of science education in the process of developing educational interventions that address scientific contents.

Author Biography

Michelle Garcia da Silva, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba

Departamento de biologia, área de ensino


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How to Cite

Silva, M. G. da, & Ferreira, H. S. (2020). Model of Educational Reconstruction as a Theoretical and Methodological contribution to the Design of Environments of Science Teaching and Learning. Investigations in Science Education, 25(1), 262–281.