Conceptions about the nature of science in biology undergraduate courses: images that complicate science education


  • Neusa Maria John Scheid Departamento de Ciências Biológicas/ Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões – URI/Campus de Santo Ângelo e Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Científica e Tecnológica (PPGECT) da UFSC-SC
  • Nadir Ferrari Núcleo de Estudos em Genética Humana/Centro de Ciências Biológicas e PPGECT da UFSC
  • Demétrio Delizoicov Departamento de Metodologia de Ensino e PPGECT da UFSC-SC


Nature of science, teacher education, epistemology, Ludwik Fleck.


The aim of this paper is to characterize the conceptions about Science held by undergraduate Biology students. The methodology involved the production and application of a questionnaire as well as interviews. Problem situations, involving molecular biology were used. The results indicate that the students identify the work of scientists as the discovery of the truth, or the laws of nature, They believe in science as neutral observation and experimentation, that is, they present a inductivist and empiricist vision of science, not compromised with theory. Rather than consider the collective character of the scientific knowledge, they attribute the scientific productions to individuals, and find it difficult to distinguish between model and reality. These findings were analised by using the categories active conexions, passive conexions and collective thought, of Ludwik Fleck and are possibly due to the absence of epistemology discussions during pre service courses. These discussions could help understanding the complexities of the production of scientific facts. We consider that misconceptions about Science have, as a consequence, difficulties with teaching polemic issues, such as the ones related to molecular biology and argue that epistemology and history of science must be part of science teachers pre service education.



How to Cite

Scheid, N. M. J., Ferrari, N., & Delizoicov, D. (2016). Conceptions about the nature of science in biology undergraduate courses: images that complicate science education. Investigations in Science Education, 12(2), 157–181. Retrieved from