Contributions of a contextualized and interdisciplinar teaching and learning proposal from the perspective of a biology teacher: possibilities of the elaboration and evaluation of a collective work.


  • Thais Benetti de Oliveira Universidade Estadual Paulista, campus Bauru- SP/Brasil.
  • Ana Maria de Andrade Caldeira Departamento de Educação- Universidade Estadual Paulista, campus Bauru- SP/Brasil.


Teaching Natural Science, Secondary Education, Interdisciplinarity.


This work is part of a dissertation proposal which was to evaluate the perspective of teachers from different subject areas, a proposal for interdisciplinary teaching and learning context. For the work we cut out the considerations of a teacher of Biology who participated in activities together and developed the project. The term interdisciplinary has been commonly used to designate actions that seek to overcome didactic teaching "traditional", in which the contents are understood to be impermeable and descontextualized from the reality of students. However, although studies point to the need for interdisciplinary proposals, there is no proper coordination between the scientific interdisciplinary and that can be practiced in the school environment. Thus, this study sought to examine how this teacher of biology students assessed through a table containing two epistemic domains (language and values, and cognitive skills), identifying the skills selected tables were identified in each student after which the proposed activities and tools used by the teacher to develop activities in order to make them context. The development activities proposed by the teacher demonstrates the concern of the same work not only in scientific concepts, but to involve students in the process of formation of these concepts, trying to propose activities through which the students see applicability and consistency, being active participants in this construction by means of the explanatory questions, and then dialogues are not passive recipients of knowledge implemented by one-way teacher-student relationship.



How to Cite

de Oliveira, T. B., & Caldeira, A. M. de A. (2014). Contributions of a contextualized and interdisciplinar teaching and learning proposal from the perspective of a biology teacher: possibilities of the elaboration and evaluation of a collective work. Investigations in Science Education, 19(3), 541–551. Retrieved from