Cooperative Learning in Science Teaching: A Literature Review
Cooperative Learning, Science Teaching, Literature ReviewAbstract
Cooperative learning is a teaching methodology based on joining small groups of students together in order to accomplish a task having well defined objectives. It presents various forms of application and has the potential to achieve some of the current needs of education, especially training citizens in an information society. Considering its potentialities, it is imperative to understand how it has been addressed in the field of science education research.In this perspective, this article consists of a literature review to identify trends of research on cooperative learning in academic production on national and international levels. Therefore, we searched for papers on the subject matter in journals located in the A1, A2, B1 and B2 extracts of Qualis-CAPES and in the annals of the editions held until 2015 at the National Meeting of Research in Education in Science (ENPEC). The analysis of the papers enabled us to observe the most frequent following thematic focuses: cooperative learning and its possibilities; cooperative learning and its specific strategies; cooperative learning in partnership with other strategies; cooperative learning presented in a theoretical perspective. It was also possible to conclude based on the information presented in the texts that despite the growing interest of researchers in the field of natural science education, the educational possibilities were not significantly explored, especially in a national context.References
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